Sunday, March 14, 2010

Source A: Register no 1-5

Study Source A.

What does Source A tell you about the Bloody Sunday? Explain your answer.

Source A: A poster to commemorate the 11th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday


  1. Name:LiangJun Class:4N3 Register number:3 date:16.3.2010

    The first inference is that a few civilians were shot on Bloody Sunday.The evidence is that there is"SHOT ON SIGHT" on the picture.From the source, we can also see coffins lying in the wall and the coffins are of the same size and design.This shows that a few people died on that day and the words "SHOT ON SIGHT" shows that there were many witnesses on that day.

    The second inference is that GERRY ADAMS is an important figure on Bloody Sunday and the riot happened on 13th January.The evidence is that there are "SPEAKER:GERRY ADAMS" and "JANUARY 30TH" written beneath the picture.These words directly indicate the date and the important person of Bloody Sunday.

    The source is posted to commemorate the 11th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday.The purpose of the source is to warn prople not to forget about the history,and remind people the importance of peace and harmony.

  2. Brenda, 5, 4n1.

    Source A tells me that the people still remember about the bloody sunday.
    This is shown in the picture that say that it is the 11 aniversary. Which means that every january 30th of the year they will still care and bother about the day.
    Source A also tells me that are still many people who still visits their friends and relatives.
    This is also shown in the picture that there are many people surrounding the coffin. Which means that they still miss and still remember them.

  3. Ang Yu Jia, 4, 4N1.
    This picture shows that many people died on the ' Bloody Sunday'.
    i can see that there were many coffins, therefore it tells me that many had died. many people had attended the conference.

  4. Liu yang 4N3

    January 30, 1972, in Ireland, Derry (Derry), Ivan Koop, together prepared to lead a large-scale demonstrations to protest against the British government imposed in Northern Ireland can be detained without trial policy. The British Army, General Ford was informed that the news, told the media that this is an illegal demonstration, said the crackdown will be implemented

  5. Abigail, 1, 4N1
    civilians were shot on Bloody Sunday. There is 'SHOT ON SIGHT' on the picture.
    i can see that there were many coffins, therefore it tells me that many had died.

  6. Ang Ying Yun

    From source A i can infer that there were heavy casualties caused by the Bloody Sunday as i can see many coffins in the poster.
    I can also infer that among the casualties were civilians whom were shot on sight during Bloody Sunday. As the words " SHOT ON SIGHT" are on the poster.
    The poster was put up to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday, which purpose is to remind people not to repeat history and to cause unease among the country.

  7. Lin Wenmin(4)4N3

    'Bloody Sunday' refers to Sunday Jan 30, 1972 in Derry, Northern Ireland when 13 civilians were shot dead and a further 13 injured during a civil rights march protesting against internment. Most of the basic facts are agreed, however what remains in dispute is whether or not the soldiers came under fire first. The following is a step by step account of the day.

  8. Christine,1,4N3

    I can infer that this picture was A poster that announced the details of the 11th commemorative march in Derry in 1983. Source A shows that "there are some dead coffin and got word write 'shot on sight'".Therefore, this show that the alot of peoples were died during the bloody sunday.

  9. sulaiman,34,4N3, April 02 2010

    I can infer that this poster is trying to say that we must remember this bloody sunday is an event to remember so that we wont fight over something but to settle things through without violence. The source show me that all coffins are lying on the ground and prepared to be burried and there is so many people died frome this unslaught. Therefore, it shows me that people are showing their respect to the dead.
