Sunday, March 14, 2010

Source E: Register no 21-25

Study Source E

What does it tell you about the UN peacekeeping efforts? Explain your answer.

Source E A UN description of its recent peacekeeping efforts.

A main problem is that countries in conflict sometimes are not willing to settle their differences peacefully. Another problem is that member countries failed to provide sufficient resources. As a result, peacekeepers were sometimes not able to carry out their duties efficiently. For example, in 1994, 5,500 peacekeepers were urgently needed to stop the mass killings in Rwanda (an African country). But it took nearly six months for member countries to provide the troops, even though 19 countries had pledged to keep 31,000 troops on stand-by for UN peacekeeping.

1 comment:

  1. Viroy chua(24)

    It tell me that the UN peacekeeping efforts was poor due to countries that are not willing to provide resources.It can be support from the following source E that say 'Another problem is that member countries failed to provide sufficient resources.'If countries does not do their part, it will cause the UN peacekeeper to have no power and unable to stop the problem.It also tell me about the UN peacekeeping efforts took a long time for it to stop the problem.It can be support from the following source that say '5,500 peacekeepers were urgently needed to stop the mass killings in Rwanda 'and' But it took nearly six months for member countries to provide the troops.'Countries does not want to supply their resources cause it will make their countries weak so each countries took a long time to gather their resources.The purpose of this source is to tell the reader how slow is the UN Peacekeeper.The tone of the author is angry because the UN peacekeeper is very slow in solving matter.
