Sunday, March 14, 2010

Source C: Register no 11-15

Study Source C
What can the source tell you about multi-racial interaction in Singapore? Explain your answer.

Source C: Dr Ong Seh Hong, a member of Parliament of GRC Marine Parade interacts with children from Darul Ma’wa Orphanage during the Muslim’s celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.


  1. this picture shows Mr Goh is interacting with the muslim children at their celebration. It is important that we can bond together in harmony like living in HDB flats or in National Service etc. If we didn't grew closer to each other we might have conflict with other religion for example: Maria Hertogh Riot.

  2. Siti Quraisyah Binte MahmudMarch 16, 2010 at 3:21 AM

    I can infer that, even though singapore is a small country, but they still talk to others no matter what the "skin colour" is or what our "religion" is. For example, Source C shows that," Dr Ong Seh Hong is a chinese, but he still help the malay boy giving out the food during the celebration of Prophet Muhammad's birthday, which is the most important day for all muslim's and at the same time he interact with them." Therefore, we people should know how to interact with others "ignoring" what our racial is, and help others when they are in need in order to "bring-up" the multi-racial " name" in our country,Singapore, and the interactions with other people of the different races.

  3. Siti Quraisyah Bte Mahmud. register no:(11) class:4N3March 16, 2010 at 4:25 AM

    I can infer that even though Singapore is a small country,but we still interact with others no matter what our "skin colour" is or what our "race" is. For example, Source C shows that," Dr Ong Seh Hong is a chinese, but yet he still help the malay boy to get ready the food during the celebration of Prophet Muhammad's birthday, which is the important day for all muslims and interact with them at the same time." Therefore, this show us that, we, people, must know how to talk to others "ignoring" what other people race is,help others when they are in need. And by doing this,it help to "bring-up" our country name, Singapore, to be a multi-racial country and the friendly interactions within the different races of the people or nation.

  4. Nur Syakilah Bte Roslah 4N2 (15)
    In source c tells me about the different races being together in a place.This can be supported in the following picture with tells me that Dr Ong Seh Hong, a member of Parliament of GRC is there to celebrate prophet muhammad birthday eventhough he, himself is not a muslim but a chinese.
    In source c also tells me that the people in this picture are bonding together by helping one another eventhough,they are from different races and by this, this made singapore had more multi-racial interaction with one another.
    This can be supported in the following picture as the member of parliament is serving them food for the children from Darul Ma'wa and this made them happy has they can bond with the parliament which is chinese and they will respect each other regardless of who they are.
    The purpose of source c is to tell us that we as a singaporean has to respect one another and because of this , it will not lead to misunderstanding and singapore will bond together as one and its easy to have a multi-racial interaction between one another.

  5. The source tells me that what kind of races also can contribute something to the other races.
    No matter is chinese, malay, indian or eurasian, you also can do something to help each other.
    The evidence is shown in the picture given above that shown that the member of Parliament of GRC
    Marine Parade is chinese, while he is helping out with the Prophet Mudammad's birthday which is all in Malays.

    The source also tells me that member of Parliament of GRC Marine Parade is very helpful and
    caring as it help them in the Muslim’s celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.
    The evidence is also given in the picture that shown that the member of Parliament is helping the
    childrens take food to their plate and he is also very happy.

    The purpose of the source is telling me that, whatever kind of races you are,
    you also can do something to the others to help out each other and not be bias to the malay or other races.

    HwieCheng, 4n2.

  6. The member of Parlament of GRC Marina Parde is very caring.
    From the picture above, Dr Ong is helping the small Malay boy from the orphanage to get food. Dr ong is helpful and cares about his people but even its so he's very nice whether if his the same race from the malay boy or not. A

    The people in sinagpore are peaceful and not having racial riots amongst them.
    From the picture above, the people cares alot among each other. They are not having a fight but instead having a meal together while Dr. Ong was helping the small boy.

    The Purpose of the source is telling me that, a fight can make things very big but if everyone is willing to give in to each other. There would be peace and there won't be worry of riots.

    Lim Syu Lynn (11), 4N1

  7. This source show me that no matter what races or religion you are in Singapore, we are one family. The evidence given in the picture shown that Dr Ong Seh Hong, a member of Parliament of GRC Marine Parade is a Chinese , this show that even Dr Ong Seh Hong is a chinese, He still willing to help up with the children from Darul Ma’wa Orphanage during the Muslim’s celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.Therefore, this tell that although we are different race, we still help one another.

    This source also show me that Dr Ong Seh Hong, a member of Parliament of GRC Marine Parade is a very generous person. The evidence given in the picture show that Dr Ong Seh willing to spent sometime on the Muslim children and not only that, He also help the children to take food and put in their plate. Therefore, this show that I think Dr Ong Seh Hong is showing a good example to Singapore that we should bond,love and care for one another in any kind of race and religion.

    The purpose of this source is in Singapore we must love one another.Don't let races and religion happen to us to allow riots and argument.Help put each other would make both parties happier. And it is not hard for us to help up with other when they are in need.


  8. Source C shows Dr Ong Seh Hong, a Member of Parliament GRC Marine Parade, interacting with children from Darul Ma’wa Orphanage. Even though he is from another race and religion, he has joined in the Muslim religious celebration.

    I can also infer that the government in trying to promote multi-racial interaction. Dr Ong, a Member of Parliament GRC Marine Parade is the Guest-of-Honour for a Muslim religious celebration. This is setting a good example of multi-racial interaction in Singapore.

    The purpose of this source is in singapore , we must help each other if they need help . this will increase the bonding between all the differnt religion .

    Ting WanYi(14),4N3
