Sunday, March 14, 2010

Source D: Register no 16-20

Study Source D

What does Source D tell you about the National Health Service in Britain? Explain your answer.

Source D Comments by Dr John Marks, former Chairman of the British Medical
                 Association (BMA), who qualified as a doctor on the day NHS was launched.

NHS was launched in 1948 with the promise that “everybody, irrespective of means, age,  sex  or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available”. The services would be comprehensive and should promote good health as well as treating sickness and disease.

“The NHS is one of the greatest achievements in history,” he said. Before that, healthcare in this country was a disaster, particularly if you were poor. The unmet needs were not known until the NHS started and people who had been ill for many years came forward for help because they did not have to worry about paying for it.”

The NHS was founded on the principle of "the greatest good for the greatest number." This has served Britain well.


  1. Hello teacher . I am Zheng Yuting from 4N3.

    I can infer that the National Health Service are offer the equal chance for British and this event is the most important of Britain's history .Source D syas "Everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available"and"The NHS is one of the greatest achievements in history" Therefor ,the National Health Service make the equal chance for people to treament of diseasea and physical examination .This thing make British feel their country very care them then they will love and do more for their country .

  2. I can infer that the National Health Service is make the equal chance for British to got the health service and this event is most important for Britain.SorceD says"everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available" and "The NHS is one of the greatest achievements in history" Therefore , the Britain make the equal chance to British to treatment of disease and Physical examination taht make British feel their were very care about them and they will do more things and care about them country . This is good to develop for the Britian and this event is the most important history of Britian .

  3. Goh Wei jie 16 4n1
    From the paragraph in source D,I can infer that health care in this country was a disaster particularly if u were poor.Therefore the National Health Service was launched.The NHS was launched to help the poor peoples to cure their illness,hence, they did not have to worry about paying for it.NHS was launched in 1948 with the promise that everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available. The services would be comprehensive and should promote good health as well as treating sickness and disease.The NHS principle was "the greatest good for the greatest number." This has served Britain well.

  4. Nurfazidah(17) Sec4N2:
    Source D tells me that the NHS was good and and had served Britain well.This can be supported by the following line in the source "The NHS was founded on the principle of the greatest good for the greatest
    number." I can also tell that the NHS was the greatest achievement in history now as before when it was disaster and it was difficult for the people to go for healthcare if they are poor.This can be supported by the following line in the source "Before that,healthcare in this country was a disaster,particularly if you were poor."The purpose of Source D is to tell the Britain that the NHS has improved and it give more benefits to the people when they are sick compared to the old times.

  5. Nurafidah(16) Sec4N2:
    Source D tells me about the NHS that has improved day by day.This can be supported by the following line in source D"the unmet needs were not known until the NHS started and people who had been ill for many years came forward for help because they did not have to worry about paying for it".Source D also tells me that during those days poor people can't go for treatment if they is sick.This can be supported by the following line in source D"Before that,healthcarein this country was a disaster.particularly if you were poor".The purpose of the source is that it tells the britain how the NHS had improved year by year,how it has improved in getting well and it gives more benefits to the poor and the people that is sick.It also tells how it had make a great achievement to the people.

  6. Nur'risda 4N2 (19)

    In the source D talks about thenational healtcare in Britain.

    In source D talks about nomatter what race, they received the equal rights. These can be supported by the following line, "“everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available. "

    In source D tells about the amount of attention that been received by the Britain Healthcare. This can be supported by the following line, "“The NHS is one of the greatest achievements in history. "

    Hence, the national healthcare in Britain had improved against the benefits towards the National Healtcare.

  7. Zhao mengting(18)4N3
    I can infer that source D talk about NHS in Britain.
    Source D says:“everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available”.It is because of this national health makes the British people's health can be guaranteed, regardless of people's poor,sex,age, all can enjoy the very health care services this can really help a good health of Britian nationals.Government for the people to do these things can make people feel that they care for their country .NHS can help Britians improve health level and this has served Britian well.

  8. Darren(17)4N1=D
    I can infer that the National Health Service have helped lot of ill or sick peoples even though some are poor.
    The source show me that before that, healthcare in this country was a disaster, particularly if you were poor.This stated that before National Health Service will launched,many peoples who are poor are not being cure.But after the National Health Service was first launched,the unmet needs were known and peoples who had been ill for many years came forward for help because they did not have to worry about paying for it.

    I can also infer that the National Health Service are good and had equal right to benefirs lot of different race of peoples.
    The source show that when NHS was launched in 1948,everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available”.This show that how benefit and helpful of this service that help lot of different peoples to solve their problem even though mostly are poor in state.I can said this source are useful because this source are comments by Dr John Marks, former Chairman of the British Medical.Hence,he had the bigger authority to comment it and so i believed that this NHS are very important for peoples now.This service has served Britain very well.
