Sunday, March 14, 2010

Source F: Register no 26-30

Study Source F

What can you learn from the source about the feelings of Singaporeans towards the Government’s ability? Explain your answer.

Source F: Results of a poll conducted among a sample of 100 Singaporeans after the Prime Minister’s National Day Rally in Aug 2001
Q1. The Government is capable of handling the current economic downturn.
Agree: 81.7% Neutral: 15.4% Disagree: 2.1%

Q2. The Government has the means and ability to do more to help Singaporeans if the slowdown continues.
Agree: 85.2% Neutral: 11.9% Disagree: 2.2%

Q3. Our team of Ministers is capable of helping Singapore achieve further economic growth.
Agree: 79.5% Neutral: 18.0% Disagree: 2.1%

Q4.Singapore should maintain its reserves and not dip into them to tackle the current economic downturn.
Agree: 65.5% Neutral: 21.9% Disagree: 12.3%


  1. Jovi soh

    From source F i can infer that from the year 2001, singapore is independent and strong in its economic strengh.This can be suported , as in the poll ,85.2% agreed that singapore has what it takes to help singaporeans even in a downturn.from source F , i can infer that in the year 2001 , singapore is concern about its economic. this can be supported by , "as the poll question are all about singapore economic growth and how it could be handled".
    The purpose of source F is to let singaporeans know that the governtment is concern about the economic and figures out to how they can help singaporeans with problems

  2. Joelson Sim
    reg no:29

    Source F tells me that during 2001,majority of the people are happy about Singapore government's abilities towards the economic downturn.this can be supported by the following details in the source"The Government has the means and ability to do more to help Singaporeans if the slowdown continues.
    Agree: 85.2% Neutral: 11.9% Disagree: 2.2%"

    Source F also tells me that Singaporeans are happy about the government's capability of handling Singapore.This can be supported by the following details in source f"Our team of Ministers is capable of helping Singapore achieve further economic growth.
    Agree: 79.5% Neutral: 18.0% Disagree: 2.1%".

    The purpose of this source is to make Singaporeans feel happy about the Singapore government's ability towards the economical status.

  3. Syarif

    From this source, i can infer that singapore is an independent and upright country, the ministers are trying their best to make singapore a better place to live in.
    Even in the 1st Qns. many people voted "Agree" as the singapore ministers are willing to do anything to make the Economy strong.
    From the 2nd Qns. It states that " The Government has the means and ability to do more to help Singaporeans if the slowdown continue" telling us that the government is going to help us if the economy worsens down for the years." The other Questions tells me that the ministers is helping us in making singapore a positive and upright country, with the help of our upbringing and dependable Ministers.

  4. Neo Choon Leong
    reg- 27

    i can infer that the Singaporeans are supporting the governments and they are confident that the govenment can improve Singapore.Because from Q1-Q4 , the percentage for people agree-ing is higher then the people that disagree , which shows that the Singaporeans thinks that the Government has the ability , capable of handling Singapore well .
