Sunday, March 14, 2010

Instructions for 4 NA

Evaluate each source carefully

How do I answer?

At the end of each source, there is a "comment" button/link. Click on it and type your reply in the box.

Don't worry, only the teachers will be able to see your answers. So feel free to showcase your Source-based Questions (SBQ) skills.

The source that will be allocated to you will be according to your class register no.


Source H: 36 onwards

Take note:
Always leave your name, class and register no., if not your grade will be a zero.


Source A: Register no 1-5

Study Source A.

What does Source A tell you about the Bloody Sunday? Explain your answer.

Source A: A poster to commemorate the 11th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday

Source B: Register no 6-10

Study Source B.

What can you infer about the state of the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, and the attitude of the cartoonist towards the NHS? Explain your answer.

Source B: A cartoon depicting how patients are put on long waiting lists for treatment in British hospitals, under the NHS.

Source C: Register no 11-15

Study Source C
What can the source tell you about multi-racial interaction in Singapore? Explain your answer.

Source C: Dr Ong Seh Hong, a member of Parliament of GRC Marine Parade interacts with children from Darul Ma’wa Orphanage during the Muslim’s celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

Source D: Register no 16-20

Study Source D

What does Source D tell you about the National Health Service in Britain? Explain your answer.

Source D Comments by Dr John Marks, former Chairman of the British Medical
                 Association (BMA), who qualified as a doctor on the day NHS was launched.

NHS was launched in 1948 with the promise that “everybody, irrespective of means, age,  sex  or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical services available”. The services would be comprehensive and should promote good health as well as treating sickness and disease.

“The NHS is one of the greatest achievements in history,” he said. Before that, healthcare in this country was a disaster, particularly if you were poor. The unmet needs were not known until the NHS started and people who had been ill for many years came forward for help because they did not have to worry about paying for it.”

The NHS was founded on the principle of "the greatest good for the greatest number." This has served Britain well.

Source E: Register no 21-25

Study Source E

What does it tell you about the UN peacekeeping efforts? Explain your answer.

Source E A UN description of its recent peacekeeping efforts.

A main problem is that countries in conflict sometimes are not willing to settle their differences peacefully. Another problem is that member countries failed to provide sufficient resources. As a result, peacekeepers were sometimes not able to carry out their duties efficiently. For example, in 1994, 5,500 peacekeepers were urgently needed to stop the mass killings in Rwanda (an African country). But it took nearly six months for member countries to provide the troops, even though 19 countries had pledged to keep 31,000 troops on stand-by for UN peacekeeping.

Source F: Register no 26-30

Study Source F

What can you learn from the source about the feelings of Singaporeans towards the Government’s ability? Explain your answer.

Source F: Results of a poll conducted among a sample of 100 Singaporeans after the Prime Minister’s National Day Rally in Aug 2001
Q1. The Government is capable of handling the current economic downturn.
Agree: 81.7% Neutral: 15.4% Disagree: 2.1%

Q2. The Government has the means and ability to do more to help Singaporeans if the slowdown continues.
Agree: 85.2% Neutral: 11.9% Disagree: 2.2%

Q3. Our team of Ministers is capable of helping Singapore achieve further economic growth.
Agree: 79.5% Neutral: 18.0% Disagree: 2.1%

Q4.Singapore should maintain its reserves and not dip into them to tackle the current economic downturn.
Agree: 65.5% Neutral: 21.9% Disagree: 12.3%